Monday, February 14, 2011

Road to Host

Since Vince McMahon announced last week that he would be announcing the guest host of WrestleMania this week, fans have been fluttering all over the Internet over who this new mystery person could be.

This weekend, someone got word from some anonymous WWE employee the mystery person was The Rock.

That would be awesome, if true, but after taking off the People's glasses, I'm not sure it fits.

First, I've already read somewhere awhile ago that Bob Barker (of Price is Right fame) would be appearing at WrestleMania. What would his role be if it's not guest host?

Second, WrestleMania is in Atlanta, not Hollywood or Miami. Wouldn't it make more sense for an Atlanta celebrity to host? Usher, a WWE fan who does fit the description McMahon gave, has been everywhere lately, so why not WrestleMania?

Fortunately, we don't have long to wait for the solution to this mystery...


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